Thank you for getting back to me today regarding my current opportunity. Below I have included the details for your review. Please take some time to review everything and let me know what you think! Thank you again and I look forward to working with you.
· Location – Vallejo, CA
· Duration – 1 yr contract, with a possibility of going permanent
· Company – Inc.
· Pay – between $27 - $38/hr
· Website -
· Job Details
o Responsibilities may include, building and maintaining a GIS system, and the building and maintaining of a corporate-wide Intranet site to disseminate GIS maps. Knowledge of and demonstrated skill in the use of the following software: ESRI GIS products including ArcGIS, ArcIMS for various interactive mapping themes, and ArcGIS, SDE, Oracle and Access (Microsoft) databases and numerous other programs running on a client's Intra/Extranet servers. Tasks may include 3D modeling, slope, volume, area, hillshade analysis, raster rectification and registration, spatial modeling, 3D animation, surface modeling, image analysis, cartography, demographic modeling, travel time and cost analysis, dynamic segmentation, route analysis, training and creation of FGDC metadata.
o Additional responsibilities may include: providing any combination of GPS and GIS services to create original mapping, format conversion, infrastructure analysis and facilities management services, database management and report preparation for various customers. Projects require a multitude of applications for a variety of disciplines including, forestry, wildlife, fire, pest management, inventory and modeling, land use analysis, hydrographic and hydrologic profiling, digital orthophoto imagery preparation, planimetric mapping services, demographics, and training.
o As directed, perform a vast array of spatial and tabular queries using the available tools in the GIS software. Import and export any spatial and/or tabular data with the GIS software. Identify, categorize and update major GIS feature classes.
o Manipulates and edits using GIS map software. Performs programming in appropriate languages, such as Visual Basic .Net, C++, C# and Python to automate GIS tasks and provide tools for others. Converts out dated routines to run on the latest GIS and relational database systems.
San Ramon, CA 94583